When To Introduce The Baby Walker To Your Child

You must be eager to see your kid take his first steps now that he is growing rapidly. Walking is a significant milestone in the life of both the baby and the parents since it represents independence. You might wish to bring home a walker to encourage your baby along this path of exploration and freedom.

While there is no set age when a newborn should start walking, the strength, development, and size of the child must all be considered before making a decision. 

Walkers are for four to sixteen months old babies in typical terms. Aside from that, the infant must be able to hold his head up and have his feet touch the ground.

Physical Requirements Of Your Baby

To use a walker, a baby has to be capable of holding his head up and having his feet hit the floor at all times. Walkers are intended for newborns aged 4 to 16 months, according to Consumer Reports, and should not be used by youngsters who can already walk. The infant must also learn how to propel the walker forward with his feet.

Important Considerations

In a predictable pattern, babies gain control over their bodies. Babies who are unable to walk can utilize a walker to go around the house, bypassing all of the regular developmental phases that lead to locomotion. 

They don’t get the regular visual input that comes with motor skills since they can’t see their feet in the walker, according to the experts, resulting in early deprivation. While babies who are too young to walk can use a walker to get around, early mobility has little benefit and has a series of negative developmental consequences, in addition to raising the risk of injury.

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If you fail to make your home childproof, walkers can increase the chances of baby mishaps. So make sure your important stuff like electronic safe for home, tools, sharp elements, and home maintenance products like fish tank filter must be kept at a safe range. 

Advantages Of Baby Walkers

Here are some advantages to purchasing a walker for your child:

  1. Encourage Your Baby To Walk.

Your baby may well be obliged to take his first steps with your help. It helps the infant grasp how the standing stance will help him walk, and he will try to walk on his own.

  1. Promote Mobility

Children aged 8 to 12 months are eager to learn about their surroundings. A quality walker can provide them with the mobility they need while also allowing them to move around on their own.

  1. Engaging And Inspiring

To keep the infant-occupied and engaged, most baby walkers are equipped with basic toys or attractions. They’re made to encourage brain development while also providing visual stimulation. You can proceed with your normal duties while using a walker since the baby is entertained with the associated toys.

Does a Baby Walker Assist with Balance?

An infant learns to balance himself through the organic process of rolling over, crawling, standing, and finally walking. When you enable your child to walk with a walker, his stance causes him to bend forward on the hip. 

In a walker, the child does not have to balance himself. Whether such a baby bends to the side or forward, the walker will hold him back from falling. The baby would have to retrain himself to balance. 

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Here are some of the safety concerns around baby walkers:

  • Baby walkers are designed to provide mobility to newborns beginning to walk, however, they can cause significant injury. Many pediatric academies also advise parents against using baby walkers.
  • Babies who are using a baby walker may trip and fall if parents do not stay alert.
  • Travel to dangerous locations that are normally inaccessible to them in case the parents are not present.
  • Down the stairwell, you go if there are no baby gates.
  • According to much research, baby walkers do not help with walking. In fact, they suppress babies’ drive to walk on their own.

Is There A Workaround Or A Solution That You Can Use? 

You might utilize a stationary walker or an activity center. Instead of wheels, these devices contain seats that bounce and rotate. If you don’t want your infant to get wounded while learning to walk, these are ideal.

You can consult a reputable company like River Baby if you want to learn more about baby walkers and how to use them properly.


Parents love the greatest baby walkers because they engage their children while also giving them some extra hands-free time. At the same time, children enjoy the newfound freedoms that walkers provide.
Learning when to put your kid in a walker is an important part of his or her development.