

Understanding Your Energy Bill

 1. Common Terms And Definitions You Should Know    In this discussion we will focus on three terms: electrical energy, power, and energy consumption. All other terms commonly used in this article are related to one or more of these. The electric power that your appliances use to operate should be specified on your bill as…

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E Learning

How Is E-Learning Changing Education

Within the last few years, we have seen a drastic change in e-learning in the field of education. Long gone are days when you had to be physically present in the class to learn something. You now have the option to learn something while enjoying the comfort of your home due to advancements in internet…

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Pest Control1

Pest Control and Food Industry

Why it is necessary to adopt pest control in the food industry? The main attraction of any kind of pest is food. No matter in what type of strong packaging you have kept the food, these insects can easily reach it. In homes, people maybe keep the food away from them but in the factories…

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