The Types of Cockroaches Found in the UK

While there are more than 3,000 different species of cockroaches around the world, only four are commonly found in the UK; the Oriental cockroach, German cockroach, American cockroach, and the Brown-banded cockroach. An infestation of cockroaches in your home or business is a serious situation, and must be addressed immediately. Cockroaches can carry a variety of diseases that can make you, your family and friends very sick.

Oriental Cockroach

Of all the roach species found in the UK, the oriental cockroach is the most well adapted to the cool, damp climate. You can find these dark brown or black, 20 – 30mm long pests feasting on garbage and leaf litter in your garden.

German Cockroach

This species is the most common household roach all over the world. This 12 – 15mm long, nocturnal roach can be found in the kitchen and bathroom. These roaches can be identified by the two dark brown stripes on their thorax.

American Cockroach

These reddish-brown roaches are huge, coming in at 20 – 30mm in length. The American cockroach likes dark, quiet, and humid places, and can be found hiding in your basement, bathroom, or kitchen.

Brown-Banded Cockroach

These are tiny roaches, are just 10 – 15mm in length, and have yellowish-brown stripes on their abdomen. They are mostly active at night, and prefer warm, humid areas. Since they need warmth, they often can be found in the attic, or around, or even inside, electrical appliances.

Getting Rid of Cockroaches

The first thing you must do once you detect cockroaches in your home or business, is to remove whatever it is they are feeding on. That means keeping counters and tables very clean, and keeping your food stored in plastic, glass, or metal containers. Also, don’t leave pet food out overnight. You also need to fix any plumbing leaks and leave the sink dry overnight to deny the pests their water source.

Next, you can try do-it-yourself roach treatments, such as setting out roach traps; these contain a poison bait. However, roach eggs can be left behind, and they will hatch after a month or two, starting the infestation all over again.

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How We Can Help

To effectively control a cockroach infestation, you also need to treat their hiding and nesting areas, which are often hard to find. That’s where a professional Pest control services company like RapidKill comes in; they have the expertise, knowledge, and equipment to get rid of the roaches in your home or business for good.

First, a trained technician will inspect your property to determine exactly what type of cockroach you have, and how best to treat it. They’ll not only kill the roaches and their eggs, but they’ll also block off any entry points they used to gain entry to your property. Finally, they’ll check back in to make sure your roach problem is resolved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there roaches in my home?

First of all, they may have been there all along; if you live in an older home, previous tenants or owners could have left you with the problem. Second, the cockroaches are finding food and water to sustain them.

How did roaches get into my home?

There are a thousand ways they can get in; they can crawl in under a door, they can crawl over from your neighbor’s home, or they could have hitched a ride in a shopping bag, box, or even a backpack.

Why haven’t I seen them until now?

Cockroaches are masters at hiding. They can slip through tiny cracks, live in or behind your appliances, and can even hide in the molding around your floors and ceilings. Also, they are nocturnal, and mostly creep around at night. You may only see them once you on the kitchen Light late at night.

How do I prevent Cockroaches?

First of all, keep your stove, floors, and counters clean of food and grease. Don’t leave pet food out at night. You also need to repair plumbing leaks and keep the sink dry at night. Finally, a professional pest control company can help you manage the problem.

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